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Q: Where does overfishing occur in Canada?
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Related questions

What are the solutions to over fishing?

What are the solutions of overfishing in Canada

What are 3 of Canada 's enviromental concerns?

Overfishing, Overmining, and Acid Rain

Why does Canada's government regulate how many fish can be caught in the greand banks?

They do not want there to be any more overfishing in that area

Do any earthquakes occur in Canada why or why not?

Yes. They occur everywhere, but mostly in western Canada as it drags on the Pacific plate.

How does modern fishing threaten biodiversity?

overfishing, and fishes getting traped in abandoned nets

Where cyclones occur in India?

in canada

How does overfishing affect the dolphins?

well a dolphin could get a plastic can ring stuck on his throat and die from suffocate caused by the plastic can ring.

What are some examples of overfishing?

Some non-examples of overfishing are dogs,cats,hamsters,bears,and humans

What are the solutions for overfishing?

people who fish should have a laces for fishing and NOT overfishing

Where does overfishing happen?


Where did sandy storm occur?

In America/ Canada.

Where is the area does tb most occur?
