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Q: Where does the beekeeper put the bees once she has captured the queen?
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Do bees move a natural hive?

A hive is an artificial home provided for honey bees by a beekeeper. Once bees are settled in the hive (or wild colony), they usually stay there and don't move.

Why do bees make bee hives?

Obviously bees don't make the hives - humans do that. The hives we see today were designed to make it easier to keep bees and harvest honey. Before the current type of hive, it was necessary for the beekeeper to destroy the nest each autumn in order to take the honey.

Are bees sexual creatures?

In that there are male and female bees, yes. The queen and all worker bees are female, and the drones are male, but the drones only mate with a queen, and the queen only mates once in her life, albeit with up to twenty drones. Drones mate only once -- they die afterwards.

How do bees pick their queen?

They don't, actually. When a queen lays her eggs, there are some which are specifically queen eggs. These bees are stronger than other ones and, once they hatch, they will kill the other potential queens. The last survivor becomes the queen.

Where do queen bees come from?

They come from eggs that the bees lay and whatever egg is chosen to be a queen bee gets fed a special chemical such as royal jelly. Once they hatch you will know which bee that hatched will be your queen bee by its abdomen.

What does a queen bee do to other queens?

Once a queen bee emerges, it kills the other potential queen bees before can completely mature and themselves emerge.

What are the physical features of a queen bee?

The queen be stands out from all the other bees. They are black and yellow and live upto 4-5 years. They can sting more then once and are the mother of all bees. Their is only one queen bee and she is the most perfect bee of the hive. The queen bee stands out from all the other bees and has the largest abdomen.

Is beekeeping inhumane?

Keeping bees is no more inhumane than any other domestic animals. In fact, because the beekeeper will protect them against animals and disease. They always make sure the hive has enough resources to survive the winter. Beekeeping is inhumane. Not only does it disrupt the bees natural system, it causes bees to do more work than otherwise needed. Humans have a negative impact on bees, their hive, and their colony. Beekeeping is not the right thing to do for numerous reasons. Keeping bees disturbs the bee's natural habit. It is different from the wild, and that is not a good thing. We are taking their honey that they work for. It takes them endless hours to make one ounce of honey, and we are taking that away from them. The honey they make is food for the queen and worker bees in the winter. The honey farmers probably don't think twice about taking the honey, and only think of the benefit the honey will bring he or she once they sell it. Then, humans eat the honey, most thinking not of the fact that it was taken from bees, but that it is delectable. That, in its self, is inhumane. Bees then have to collect enough nectar to replace the honey. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why beekeeping is inhumane. Another thing beekeepers do (which in my opinion is selfish) is taking the queen bee of the colony, and selling it to another beekeeper that wants to keep bees. Queen bees should leave or die when the time is right, not when one needs money. Then worker bees have to work to make a new queen by selecting several larvae to be fed the royal jelly, to make them the queen. This causes bees to do work that would be unnecessary if their queen bee hadn't been taken away. Most beekeepers that sell honey and queen bees are only thinking of their benefit, and not of the bees benefit, though they don't have many. This is wrong, and shouldn't happen.

What purpose do drone bees serve?

The drones are the male bees. The queen and worker bees are all female. The only purpose of a drone is to mate with a new queen. Once mating has finished the drone will die. Within the hive, the drones have no function and do no work. As autumn turns to winter all of the drones in the hive will be thrown out by the worker bees and will die. New drones will be produced at the start of the next season.

Do wasps pollinate flowers or bees primarily involved in that task?

When a queen wasp emerges from hibernation she has to find food for herself and she will take nectar from flowers. In doing this she will pollinate those flowers she visits. Once she has larvae she will feed from a sweet substance, rather like honeydew, produced by the larvae, so will stop feeding from flowers. Wasp larvae feed on insects and grubs captured initially by the queen, then by worker wasps. Bees are by far the most prolific pollinators. It is reckoned that of all insect-pollinated plants, around 90 per cent of that pollination is done by bees.

How often should a bee hive be inspected?

In the summer, when the bees are active, about once a week in good weather. Don't leave it more than nine days without at least a quick inspection because that gives you chance to remove any developing queen cells to prevent a swarm. In the winter you disturb them as little as possible in order not to chill them, but about once a month you should check they have enough food for the next month or so, and supplement with sugar syrup if necessary. To learn more about bees, contact a local beekeeper or your nearest beekeeping association.

What do bees do if a bee is born?

They leave them in a capsule thingy. The queen kills the male babies as they have no use for them. Once the female are out of their capsule they get straight to work; producing Honey!