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unfortunately it goes into the tip of the private area (pee hole) i assume very painful

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Q: Where does the catheter go During male urinary catheterization if the catheter doesn't go into the bladder?
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Related questions

What are the risks of urinary catheterization?

The catheter may introduce bacteria into the urethra and bladder, resulting in urinary tract infection. UTI can cause fever and inflammation of the bladder and urethra.

What is the purpose of intermittent catheterization?

Diagnostic evaluation, urinary retention, bladder distention, or obstruction, during labor or during abdominal surgery, instilling medication, monitoring urinary output.

What is transhepatic biliary catheterization?

Transhepatic biliary catheterization is a surgical procedure during which a catheter is inserted into the bile duct to relieve an obstruction.

Urinary catheter - infants?

Alternative NamesBladder catheter - infants; Foley catheter - infantsInformationA urinary catheter is a small, soft tube placed in the bladder.WHY IS A URINARY CATHETER USED?A catheter may be needed if your baby is making only small amounts of urine. This could be due to your baby being very ill with low blood pressure, an abnormally developed urinary system, the use of a medication that decreases urine production, or the use of a medication that will not allow your baby to move his or her muscles. The catheter allows the urine that is made to be closely measured, which will help your doctor determine how much fluid your baby needs.HOW IS A URINARY CATHETER PLACED?The catheter is placed into the bladder through the opening at the tip of the penis in boys and near the vagina in girls where urine leaves the body. The opening is carefully cleaned using sterile technique, then a sterile catheter is inserted into the bladder.In older children, a small balloon near the tip of the catheter is inflated with water to help hold the catheter in place. The catheter, called a Foley catheter, may be connected to a sterile bag to allow accurate measurement of the urine.WHAT ARE THE RISKS OF A URINARY CATHETER?There is a small risk of injury to the urinary passage (urethra) or the bladder during the insertion of the catheter. Urinary catheters left in place for more than a few days increase the risk for a bladder or kidney infection in your baby.

Why doesn't semen enter the urinary bladder during ejaculation?

The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes.

Why is a foley catheter placed prior to a cesarean section?

A foley catheter is put into the bladder to make sure the bladder stays small to reduce the risk of nicking it during surgery.

How long after urinary catheterization would you develop septic shock?

You could develop septic shock during the urinary catheterization or even several weeks following the process. It is most common to develop an infection first and treatment for that infection prevents shock.

Why is it necessary to inject a dye into the catheter during a cardiac catheterization?

After the catheter is guided into the coronary-artery system, a dye (also called a radiocontrast material) is injected to aid in the identification of any abnormalities of the heart.

What is closed bladder irrigation?

Instillation of a solution into the bladder to provide cleansing or medication. (NIC96)

What sensation may the patient feel when a dye is injected into the catheter during a cardiac catheterization?

During this time, the patient may experience a hot, flushed feeling or a quickly passing nausea.

Why is a local anesthetic needed during a cardiac catheterization?

Prior to inserting a catheter into an artery or vein in the arm or leg, the incision site will be made numb by injecting a local anesthetic.

The kidneys and urinary bladder are organs of the?

urinary system. The kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood to produce urine, while the urinary bladder stores urine until it is ready to be expelled from the body through the urethra during urination.