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The electron transport chain takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

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1w ago

The electron transport chain takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane of the mitochondria. It consists of a series of protein complexes that transfer electrons and generate a proton gradient across the inner membrane, which is used to produce ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

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13y ago

inner membrane of the mitochondria

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14y ago


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inner membrane.

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12y ago

in the mitochindria

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12y ago

on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

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Q: Where does the electron transport chain take place in the mitochondria?
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Where in the cell does the electron transport occur?

Mitochondria in animals; the chloroplasts in plants.

Where does the electron transport chain take place within the mitochondria?

ETC takes place in the Cristae of the Mitochondria.

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Mitochondria: Glycolosis, The Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain complete cellular respiration Chloroplast: Photosynthesis takes place in the Stroma and the electron transport chain.

Where does the electron transport chain take place in an animal cell?

For Eukaryotes the electron transport chain occurs in the Inner Membrane of a mitochondria. (mitochondria has 2 membranes both outer and inner) For Prokaryotes, it occurs in the plasma membrane as prokaryotes do not have mitochondria.

Where does electron transport chain?

It where oxidative phoshorilation happens.It takes place on inner membrane of mitochondria.

Does respiration take place in or out of the mitochondria?

Aerobic respiration has three steps.Glycolisis take place in cytoplasm.Kreb cycle and Electron transport chain take place in Mitochondria.

What is the stage of process for takes place in the mitochondria?

There are two steps. They are Kreb cycle and electron transport chain

What is the part of mitochondria that contains the electron transport chain?

It take place on inner membrane. It has two membranes

Where in the cell do electron transport chain occur?

The electron transport chain occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotic cells and the plasma membrane of prokaryotic cells. It is the final stage of cellular respiration where electron carriers pass electrons along a series of protein complexes to generate ATP.

What do mitochondria do in an animal cell?

They are the "powerhouse" of the cell. The mitochondria is where the Electron Transport Chain takes place, and that is where the most energy (or ATP) is produced in the cell.