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Picasimus fish

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Q: Where does the fish Picasimus come from?
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Related questions

Can a picasimus fish live by itself?

A Plecostomus can live by itself.

How can you tell a boy picasimus fish from a girl?

the boy has a ball sack

Where do fish come from?

Fertilized fish eggs.

Were do fish and chips come from in the world?

Fish come from the sea and chips are made from potatoes.

Steak fish come from what fish?

A mysterious fish that has no available information

Where does the newborn fish come out of a live bearing fish?

As with all fish, eggs and fry (in livebearing fish) come out of the vent. This is also where the solid waste comes out of.

Where do fish legs come from?

Fish don't have legs.

Where did fish come from?

Fish do not come from one source or one event. Early fish were small, jawless species that are now extinct. The first fish with jaws were Placoderms.

What time of year do tuna the fish come out?

Well see when fish come out sometimes they are out but not hungry ..... Fish can come out in any hot day but I won't garantee that you will catch , any like in this month of march there are plenty of fish out but there not hungry ...... So it all depends on the fish ;$

Do tadpoles come from fish?

No, tadpoles come from frogs then when the tadpoles grow up they become frogs not fish!

Where does fish pie come from?

Fish pie comes from dinosaurs.

Where do pike fish come from?

They come from there mommy and daddy!