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Q: Where does the instrumentalist who play the trumpet sit in a orchestra?
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What section of the orchestra does a trumpet sit?

brass section that's on the right.

Why are you unlikely to see a bugle in an orchestra?

Bugles don't have valves, and as such can only play in one key. This makes them unlikely to play in an orchestra. ITs only when a piece requires a specific tone (the bugle has a different tone to that of the cornet, trumpet and flugle horn)

What instruments do you sit to play?

an organ is huge but not part of the orchestra is you want one in the orchestra then the piano

Where do you sit in the orchestra if you play the bass guitar?

Back row, left side. When you are looking at the orchestra. To the bassist it's the right hand side.

Where does the percussion family sit in a orchestra?

Generally at the back of the orchestra.

What instruments does the clarinet sit with in the orchestra?

The organization of an orchestra is hundreds of years old and fairly universal. Clarinets sit with similar instruments (like the oboe, bassoon and flute) in the center of the orchestra.

Where does the instrumentalist who plays the bass clarinet sit?

I sit in between the Basson and the Trumpets on the third row, though I am in a middle school band so it could be different for you.

Where does the person in the orchestra sit with the piccalo?

Next to the flutes.

Where do orchestra sit dunning a Broadways show?


Where do the woodwinds sit in the orchestra?

In the center, behind the strings.

Where do brass instruments sit in an orchestra?

In the back, but in front of the percussion.

Who plays the overture and where do they usually sit?

an orchestra usually plays the overture. the usually sit in a lower part in front of the stage.