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Where does the majority of the U.S Oil come from?

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Q: Where does the majority of U.S. oil come from?
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Where do majority of your oil come from?


Who exports the most oil to the u.s.?

The US imports the majority of it's oil from Fiji.

Does the US supply the majority of its own oil?

No. The U.S. supplies about 40% of it oil use

Where does the majority of the US oil come from?

40% comes from the U.S....others sources...Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Nigeria...Saudi Arabia and Iraq are the only Middle Easter Countries

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on the majority of cars the light is for oil pressure not the actual level so it could just be reading on the dip stick and the light wont necceserly come on

Where does most of US oil come from?


Where does most of the oil used by US come from?

the ground

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Contrary to what most people believe the middle east does not supply the majority of Americas oil. The largest supplier of the United States oil is actually Canada

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How many gallons of motor oil come fron 42 gallons of crude oil?

That is variable based on the quality of the crude oil, and refineries can also adjust the production of different oils. The majority of crude is converted to fuel.

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Three fifths of the immigrants on Earth immigrate to the United States. The majority of these immigrants come from Mexico and Canada with a few from Germany.

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According to the US Immigration Bureau, the majority of legal immigrants are Asians. The percentage of Asians has been increasing for the past ten years into the US.