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Catholic AnswerPretty much wherever he is. His main cathedral is St. John Lateran in Rome. St. Peter's Basilica is used for big services, especially ones that would affect the whole world. The Holy Father also travels a lot, and worships wherever he may be.
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Q: Where does the pope worship?
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Catholicism has the Pope, living in Vatican, that's probably the highest christian authority

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To Catholics the Pope is the head of church. He has what we call "papal infallibility" which is the ability to be correct in any aspect of religeous decision making. Catholics do not worship the pope but see him as a man who can make decisions on how they can have a better relationship with God.

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No, it has been presented to sanctuaries, royalty, people and governments.

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It is a thurible. A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services.

Is the Ukrainian Catholic Church controlled by the Roman Catholic Pope?

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