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Q: Where does the procoptodon live?
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Where did the Protoceratops live?

Like all kangaroos, Procoptodon lived in Australia.

Were there any predators to the procoptodon goliah?

Yes, the procoptodon goliath had predators. The Varanus priscus (a very large lizard) and the Thylacoleo, better known as the marsupial lion, were predators of the procoptodon goliath.

Why did the procoptodon goliah become extinct?

The Giant short faced kangaroo became extinct because of loss of habitat

Where did procoptodons live in Australia?

The procoptodon, or procoptodon goliah, was the Giant Short-faced Kangaroo which lived in Australia thousands of years ago. Fossils have been found in all of the mainland states (therefore, not Tasmania), but not conclusively yet in the Northern Territory. Evidence of this giant marsupial has been found in the Darling Downs in Queensland; around the far-fling regions of Tocumwal, Bingara and Lake Menindee in New South Wales; the Eyre Peninsula and Naracoorte Caves in South Australia; and the Nullarbor Plain cave deposits of Western Australia.

Which kangaroos are extinct?

Kangaroos which are extinct include:The genus Procoptodon which consisted of the giant short-faced kangaroosThe genus Protemnodon which consisted of the giant wallabies

Is the giant kangaroo real?

There was once a giant kangaroo, now known as the Procoptodon. It was one of the many species known as Australian megafauna, and became extinct thousands of years ago. The giant kangaroo no longer exists.

What are the animals that lived at the time of the ice age?

Megatherium, wooly mammoth, saber toothed cat, similodon, dinohyus, paraceratherium, brontotherium, glyptodon, toxodon, icaronycteris, and procoptodon. You might want to look up the names on google though

What animals and plants lived in the quaternary period?

Animals such as PROCOPTODON,DIPROTODON,TOXODON,MAMMUTHUS,DEINOTHERIUM,COELODONTA lived in the quaternary period.Plants such as BIRCH,SWEETGUM lived in the quaternary period, as well as the plants and animals you see around you.

Where are tree kangaroos originally from?

The kangaroo originated in Australia.Fossil remains of giant kangaroo species existing in prehistoric times have been found in Australia. One example of these was the Procoptodon goliah.

Why are there no giant kangaroos around anymore?

It is uncertain why the giant kangaroos (Procoptodon goliah) are extinct, but there are two main theories about what happened to the "giant kangaroos" that roamed Australia thousands of years ago.One theory blames the arrival of the aboriginal people. However, recent research coming out of the Queensland University of Technology has indicated that their extinction may be due to a massive drought and climate change.

Which era did dinosaurs live?

Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era. This was a time between 230 million and 65 million years ago. The Mesozoic Era is divided into three time periods: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Do kangaroos have ancestors?

Kangaroos and rabbits are not related even remotely. They share no common ancestor. The kangaroo's ancestor was a much larger version of the modern kangaroo, and quite unlike any ancestor of the rabbit.