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Tracing the origins of idioms can be difficult, since the evidence is often apocryphal or anecdotal. However, the most popular theory for this phrase is that it comes from military slang in World War I.

In the trenches, the British troops used a kind of trench mortar that was nicknamed the "Toffee Apple" because of its shape. The bomb was spherical and 9 inches in diameter, attached to a 2-inch diameter shaft, suggesting a very large toffee (or candy) apple. It was the largest mortar considered practical for trench warfare, and was effective at ranges from 100 to 600 yards. The British troops used them from 1915 to 1917.

Concerning usage and meaning, "How do you like them apples?" is a rhetorical question with a couple of different connotations. It can be used to express triumphant gloating, when the speaker feels that he has scored a convincing point or victory (thus dropping a figurative bombshell on an opponent). Alternatively, it is sometimes used to convey a feeling of annoyance or bemusement at circumstances (both emotions that could very well result from being near a dropped bomb, to say the least).

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