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Q: Where does water vapor go when the air is chilled?
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Where does water vapor go when it enters the air?

Water vapor triggers convection currents that can form clouds.

How did water vapor in the air go back to the surface?


Where does the water go when it evaporates?

The water goes in the air and forms into water vapor which turns into clouds.

Where does the water go when you dry them?

Dry what? Perhaps the water is evaporated, and becomes vapor in the air.

What do you think is inside the bubbles that form when the water boils where did the water go?

It is the water vapor that is formed inside the bubbles. Water is lost in the air in the form of water vapor.

Why do you feel sticky and unconfortable when there is much water vapor in the air?

You feel sticky and uncomfortable when there is a ton of water vapor in the air because there is nowhere for the water to go so it can't condense. The water stays and sticks to your skin.

How does air pressure affect how much water vapor air can hold?

Warmer air has higher saturation mixing ratios then cold air does. So therefore because of this 100% humidity in cold air is not 100% humidity in warmer air. The warmer the temperature, the more water vapor in the air. The colder the temperature, the less water vapor in the air.

Where does the water go in the dryer?

The water is converted to water vapor and is carried out through the dryer vent by the air that flows through the machine.

Where does the water in the dryer go?

The water is converted to water vapor and is carried out through the dryer vent by the air that flows through the machine.

Does humidity increase atmospheric pressure?

No, the more water vapor the air contains, the lighter it is. When water vapor enters the atmosphere, it pushes out an equal volume of dry air. A cubic meter of dry air is 99 percent nitrogen and oxygen. A cubic meter of humid air with 2 percent water vapor is only 97 percent nitrogen and oxygen. Water vapor is lighter than the nitrogen and oxygen it pushed out. Therefore, humid air weighs less than dry air and exerts less pressure.

What happens to the presence of water vapor as one increase in altitude and why is this?

The higher you go, the colder it gets. The colder it gets, the less water vapor can remain in the air. That's the reason it rains on the windward side of mountain ranges. Warm, moist air gets pushed up and the rain condenses.

What percent of earths atmosphere does water vapor make?

0% (at -44 degrees F) to 4% (at 86 degrees F). It's produced from the evaporation of liquid water, and is invisible. Almost all of it is contained in the troposphere. It's the condensation of water vapor that forms clouds, rain, snow, and other precipitation.