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They lived all across Europe.

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Cro-Magnon people lived in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic period, specifically between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago. The best-known Cro-Magnon remains were found in southwestern France.

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Your moms stomach

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Q: Where in did cro-magnon live?
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Did CroMagnon have art?

cromagnons had cave art but did not draw any kind of animals they drew the animals in the environment they live in or also by the biomes they lived in

What age did stone age people live to?

Archeology finds have indicated that the average life of the "stone-age" man, the "cromagnon" was approx. 28 years of age.

What are the release dates for Eek the Cat - 1992 Cromagnon Farce Boo Thunder 3-13?

Eek the Cat - 1992 Cromagnon Farce Boo Thunder 3-13 was released on: USA: 1994

Where did a cromagnon man live?

Cro-Magnon man lived in Europe, specifically in what is now France, approximately 40,000 years ago. They were among the first early modern humans to inhabit the region.

Where cavemen real?

Yes. There were two kinds. Cromagnon and neanderthal.

What does cromule mean?

There isn't a widely recognized definition for "cromule." It may be a made-up or obscure term.

What did cromagnon wear?

they wore fur from animals and jewelry from shells

What is the Latin name for cromagnon?

The term Cro-Magnon refers to populations of stone-age people who, unlike their contemporaries the Neanderthals, were anatomically indistinguishable from modern human beings. This being the case, they are considered members of our own species, which bears the Latin binomial designation Homo sapiens.

Were man and woman created equal?

This assumes that you are a creationist. Not being one, and since there are no fossils found tying back Cromagnon to the neanderthal family tree, I propose that the aliens who were performing genetic manipulation on the existing hominids of the time, produced male and female of the same mutation as equals.

What actors and actresses appeared in Neanderthal - 2001?

The cast of Neanderthal - 2001 includes: Mark Byron as Cromagnon Jud Charlton as Neanderthal Kenneth Cranham as Himself - Narrator Cosh Omar as Neanderthal Howard Salinger as Neanderthal Samantha Seager as Neanderthal Miltos Yerolemou as Neanderthal

Who were the beaker people?

Most probably Iberians or other non-Indoeuropean people who inhabited great parts of Europe including Ireland, Britain, Sardinia and Sicily between cca 3500 and 1000 BC if not even much earlier as age of several Irish sites suggests. Partial evidence for this could be found in vivid use of triple spiral (called triskele in Ireland) until this day under name of agurro by the Basques who claim to be direct descendants of Iberians and the only surviving original European nation. Related to the topic is a theory saying that the Basques along with the Amazigh (Berbers) of North Africa are the only nations descending from the Cromagnon man solely, whereas the rest of world´s population carries genes of mixed Cromagnon and Neanderthal origin. Systematic DNA research in this field would certainly bring us closer to the truth.

When was Live Live Live Extra created?

Live Live Live Extra was created on 1995-12-31.