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its okay but they say it comes from the river

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Q: Where in the US is it unsafe to drink tap water?
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Can you drink tap water in US?

yes if its illegel

It is safer to drink bottle water than tap?

In the US , not necessarily, as some bottled waters are just from a tap somewhere anyway. In a foreign country, probably a good idea , if the bottled water is a known brand.

Can you drink from tap water in US?

YES you can depending on where you are you might have well water which tastes like iron you can drink it if you like it most people don't like the taste of it but it's actually good for matter where you are in the us you can drink the water! Enjoy

Is tap water safe to drink in Chicago il?

Yes it should be. Water goes through many purification stages before it reaches your tap, so you should be fine.

What are some environmental threats to ground water supplies?

Because if some of lets say gases that we put underwater could cause a huge problem because the water would be unsafe to drink and it would have to go through extra processing and filtering for us to drink it.

How will no water affect us?

if we have no water to drink in then you'll die if you don't drink it in 3 days.

What do orangutans drink?

like neraly everything and like us, they have to drink water to survive.

What difficulties would arise if the US had to depend on water frozen in the polar icecaps for its water needs?

Easy, its tap water! ----

The British Call It A Tap But What do Americans Call It?

I have heard the term, "Water tap" in certain parts of the US, but the more common term is, "Faucet".

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What do glaciers give us to drink?

glaciers are just lots of ice. when this ice melts it turns into H2O (water). so glaciers give us water to drink.

Is the tap water safe to drink in Italy?

Yes, in most cities. Water treatment in the majority of Europe is as safe or safer than in the US. Typically, it is not done; Europeans usually prefer bottled water or mineral water over tap water. If you find yourself in more rural areas, it should still be safe, but if you are concerned, the bottled varieties are always available. If this is not an option, you are still averse to drinking tap water in other countries, and you find you will be traveling Europe for an extended period, invest in an inexpensive water filter straw (available at most hunting or sporting goods stores).