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Here is a listing of the veterinary technology programs in the state of Wisconsin, from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) website, There is a listing of all the veterinary technology programs in each state on the site.

An extremely important consideration is if the program is accredited or not. If accredited there will be no problem having your degree recognized and becoming a certified veterinary technician (CVT). If you receive your degree from a non-accredited school then your status may be in doubt until the program achieves accreditation. You can see from the list there are a number of schools in Wisconsin which offer the veterinary technology program, however, only one is accredited; Madison College (Madison Area Technical College). Check out the accreditation status of each school to see where they stand.

Madison College (Madison Area Technical College)

Veterinary Technician Program

1701 Wright Street

Madison, WI 53704


(Clarissa Sheldon, DVM Director)

Associate of Applied Science

Initial Accreditation-November, 1974;Next Evaluation: 2015


The typical way to obtain your CVT and become licensed in Wisconsin is to go through an accredited veterinary technology program (it must be a four semester (two year) course of study). The program must include both basic sciences studies and also practical studies/experience. Wisconsin also has another route for a vet tech to become licensed, which is obtaining on the job training from a licensed Wisconsin veterinarian for a minimum of two years.

To become a certified veterinary technician, no matter if you went through a two year college program or on the job training, you must pass the National Boards, the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). In addition, Wisconsin requires you to take a state jurisprudence examination. Upon successful completion of these requirements you are then a licensed (certified) veterinary technician. Finally, it is another requirement that you must submit to a background check and to determine if there is a criminal record.

To maintain licensure, a certain number of continuing education hours must be completed every two years to enable the renewal of the license.

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I know the University of Wisconsin has a very fine veterinary program.

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If the 4 year university offers an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program, then yes a person can earn a degree through a university and become a veterinary technician.

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i don't think you should be a vet technician if you cry when a dog dies in a movie. you probably wouldn't be able to handle it. you would cry even more cause you are seeing it for real and in peron.

Where can I possibly find vet technician jobs?

Vet Technician Jobs to Careers is a wordy but effective site for those searching for a vet technician job. As usual, a phone call to a particular company, to see if they are hiring, is often as or more productive than pursuing the issue online.

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You can take courses at Edgewood College. You can also study to be a vet assistant at University of Wisconsin: Univ of Wis Madison.

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There is only one vet college in Wisconsin.University of Wisconsin-MadisonSchool of Veterinary Medicine2015 Linden Drive WestMadison, WI 53706

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