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1d ago

Flemish is predominantly spoken in the Flanders region of Belgium, while French is spoken throughout Belgium, with Brussels being officially bilingual. French is also spoken in many other countries as an official or second language, including France, Canada, Switzerland, and several African nations.

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Q: Where is flemish and french spoken?
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Which European country are both flemish and french spoken?

Belgium is a European country where both Flemish (a dialect of Dutch) and French are spoken. Flemish is mainly spoken in the northern region of Flanders, while French is spoken in the southern region of Wallonia. Brussels, the capital, is bilingual with both languages being official.

Which countries speak french and flemish?

Belgium is a country where both French and Flemish (Dutch) are official languages. French is predominantly spoken in the southern region of Wallonia, while Flemish is spoken in the northern region of Flanders. Additionally, French is spoken in some African countries like France, Canada, and Switzerland.

What country has flemish and french as their official language?

Belgium has Flemish and French as its official language. German is also spoken in the easternmost part of the country.

In which country is the Flemish language spoken?

Flemish is spoken primarily in Belgium. It is one of the official languages of the country alongside French and German.

What Country Speaks Flemish?

Flemish is primarily spoken in Belgium. It is one of the official languages of the country, alongside French and German. Flemish is spoken mainly in the northern region of Flanders in Belgium.

Flemish and french are the official languages of?

Belgium. Flemish and French are the two main official languages of Belgium, along with German as a third official language in the German-speaking community. Each region in Belgium has its predominant language, with Flemish (Dutch dialect) spoken in Flanders and French spoken in Wallonia.

What languages are spoken in luxenburg?

French, Flemish, Belgian, Dutch, English

What country is referred to as Flemish?

Belgium is the country that is often referred to as Flemish. Flemish is one of the official languages of Belgium, along with French and German. It is spoken primarily in the northern region of Flanders.

What is the Belgian translation for grandfather?

The Belgian translation for grandfather is "grootvader".

In which country would you hear flemish being spoken?

You would hear Flemish being spoken in Belgium. Flemish is a dialect of Dutch spoken in the northern region of Flanders in Belgium.

What is the principal language of Belgium?

The principal languages of Belgium are Dutch, French, and German. Dutch is spoken by the majority of the population in the Flemish region, while French is spoken in the Walloon region. German is primarily spoken in a small community in the eastern part of the country.

Whose language is Flemish?

Flemish is a variant of Dutch spoken in the northern region of Belgium known as Flanders. It is one of the three official languages of Belgium, along with French and German.