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Q: Where is shark valley and what species of sharks live there?
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What breeds of sharks live in Hawaii?

Over 15 species of sharks live in Hawaiian waters. A few examples of these sharks are the bignose shark, gray reef shark, silky shark, blacktip shark, sandbar shark, tiger shark, and whale shark.According to Sharks and Rays of Hawaii by Crites and Crow, there are 40 known species of sharks in Hawaiian waters. (reefannie)

How long do sharks usually live up to?

Some sharks,( like the White shark) live to be in their fifties. Though for most shark species the answer is uncertain.

What type of sharks live in Kenya?

The waters off Kenya are home to several species of sharks. Some of these include whale sharks, great white sharks, blacktip reef shark, hammerhead shark, bignose shark, bull shark, sandbar shark, African angel shark, and Mako shark.

Do sharks lve in salt water?

The vast majority of sharks live in salt water.A small number of shark species do live in both salt and freshwater, like the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas), for instance.And there are also five rare species of shark in the genus Glyphisthat live only in rivers.But many sharks lived in freshwater during the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic eras.

How long can sharks live to?

Some sharks species live from 20 to 30 years. Some scientist think that the great white shark could be up to 100 years, but it has not been proved. The tiger shark could be between 30 and 40 years. Some well known shark species like the mako shark, the lemon shark and the bull shark are still unknown. The whale shark can live up to 100-150 years. Scientifically there is no way to determine the life span of sharks.

How log can sharks live?

Some sharks species live from 20 to 30 years. Some scientist think that the great white shark could be up to 100 years, but it has not been proved. The tiger shark could be between 30 and 40 years. Some well known shark species like the mako shark, the lemon shark and the bull shark are still unknown. The whale shark can live up to 100-150 years. Scientifically there is no way to determine the life span of sharks.

Do thresher sharks lay eggs?

Sharks have a great diversity when it come to their reproductive system. There are two different ways for a Shark to reproduce depending on what kind of Shark it is, there are oviparous egg laying species and viviparous live-bearing species. Oviparous species lay eggs that develop and hatch. Where as the the viviparous species are live-bearers. The Thresher Shark belongs to the viviparous species therefore do not lay eggs. I hope that answers your question.

What eats sharks and live in the ocean?

goblin shark,great white shark,tiger shark,cookie-cutter shark,and the whale shark

How long does a shark lives?

It depends on the species of Shark. Whale Sharks are the largest fish in the sea, and can live a VERY long time.

Do sharks only swim in salty oceans?

Some species of sharks are able to live in fresh water, including the Bull Shark that lives in tropical waters and the River Shark, found in Australia and Asia

Do bull sharks live in the ganges?

No. The Bull Sharks are known to swim up the Ganges River and hence sometimes they are confused with the Ganges River Shark. The Ganges Shark is a fresh water shark that is indigeneous to the Ganges river of India. They are a critically endangered species. Whereas, the Bull sharks can live in both salt and fresh water.

What sharks live at the bottom of the sea?

nothing is bigger than a blue whale except for a shark whale so that's the answer