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Q: Where is the 180 degree meridian?
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All places on earth west from the prime meridian to 180 degree are in the?

All places on Earth west from Prime Meridian to 180 degree are in the western hemisphere.

What is formed when 180 degree east and west longitude joins?

The anti-meridian opposite the prime meridian

What is the difference between the international date line and a time zone?

180 degree meridian is the meridiam ospposite to the Prime Meridean or The Greenwich Meridian. It helps to find the location of a place. The 180 degree west and the 180 degree east are the same meridians. Whereas, the International Date Line or the IDL is an imaginary line that runs ALONG the 180 degree meridian. It bend slightly to avoid land. If a person travells eastward of it , he /she gains a day, but if a person travells westward of it he/she loses a day.

What is the imaginary line on the earth's surface closely follows 180 degree meridian is called?

prime meridian International Date Line

What are all places on earth west from the prime meridian to 180 degree are in the?

eastern hemisphers

Where are all the places on earth west from the prime meridian to 180 degree?

In the Western Hemisphere.

What hemispheres are created by the prime meridian and is 180 degree line of longitude?

The eastern and western ones are.

Which imaginary line on earth surface closely follows 180 degree meridian?

I d l

What would be the location of place that is west of the prime meridian and halfway between the prime meridian and the 180 degree line of longitude?

90 degrees west

What is the highest degree for the lines of longitude?

Longitude is labeled from zero (at the Prime Meridian) to 180 degreesin each direction, east and west, from it.

What are the two lines that divide the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere and the eastern and western hemispheres?

North and South are divided by the Equator. East and West are divided by the 0 degree meridian and the 180 degree meridian.

What would be the line of longitude for a place that is west of the prim Meridian halfway between the prim meridian and the 180 degree line of longitude?

90 degrees west