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Q: Where is the best place to put a birth control patch?
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Is the patch the best birth control method?

There is no single "best birth control method." Women have different needs, insurance coverage issues, and preferences. The patch is useful for women who want a reliable method that doesn't require daily activity.

When is it best to become pregnant on the evra patch if you only have 4 periods a year?

The birth control patch is designed to prevent pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, stop using the patch.

What is the best way to get pregnant on birth control?

Get off the birth control would be the place to start...

Can you get pregnant if you miss a week of the patch and got your period the week that you were soppuse to be on the patch then put the patch on the following week?

Yes, anytime you do not use birth control correctly you risk getting pregnant. Best solution if you miss your periord get a pregnancy test. If you are not pregnant use your birth control as directed to reduce the chance of pregnancy in the future. Keep in mind the only form of birth control that is 100% effective is not have sex you can get pregnant using birth control even if you use it correctly.

Can you use the birth control patch if you have mitral valve prolapse?

Ehh naw a dont think sa The best thing would be to consult the doctor who diagnosed MVP.

What is the best birth control pill for weight loss?

Birth control is not for weight control.

Is birth control the most effective form of birth control?

The question makes no sense - of course birth control is the most effective method of birth control. And the best form of birth control is to use two methods at once. Either a hormonal form such as the pill, patch, or vaginal ring and a condom, which also prevents the spread of disease. Avoid quack methods like the "pull-out" method (pre-ejaculate does contain sperm even before the man ejaculates) and other wacky ideas.

Which birth control is best?


What is the best birth control tha a women could have?

well for starters do some research on birth control and find the one that is best for you and go from there.

What is the best tablets for a toothache?

birth control

What day should you start taking your birth control?


What is the best birth control shot?

contraceptive pill