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Q: Where is the bicept located?
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Is a bicept muscle a organsim?

No. Its a piece of an organism : you.

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What is the agonist in a dumbbell curl?

The antagonist to the Triceps are the biceps-brachii

What was Arnold Schwarzenegger max bicept curl?

i heard rumour that he could at a push curl 45, not sure tho

What provides the force to move the arm?

Well it all depends on which motion you want your arm to move but basically the bicept tricept or your shoulder

Which muscles does the bicep curl he lp?

The bicep curl obviously helps the Bicep but it also helps you triceps as you pull your fist towards you your are contracting your bicept and relaxing your tricep

What exercises make your butt larger?

Skating and downhill skiing are good for building big glutes - butt muscles.

Does Conan O'Brien have a tattoo?

on 6/22/09 he went to a tattoo parlor on during his show and got a heart tattoo on his left bicept. It looked real, although you never know.

What happens when you tense a muscle?

The reason the contract and relax is because they move you arms up and down. When you straighten your arm, the bicept relaxes and the tricept contracts. When you pull your arm up ( flex ) the bicept contracts and the triceps relaxes. By the way, I'm 11!

How many tactoos does Justin Bieber have and where are they?

He has 6 tatoos. One on his left bicept, right rib cage, upper left corner of his chest, 2 on is right leg or left. and one on his left side of his lower belly.

Why are calves thighs biceps triceps important for playing football?

the bicept and tricepts help the upper body strength and if your a line backer you need big delts (wich are shoulder muscles to) and the thigh and calve are for speed and lower body strength

Where is the brachial pulse on the body?

The brachial pulse is found on the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa. To put it simply in the inner aspect of the front of the elbow.