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The company, FirstEnergy is based in Akron, Ohio. The company is involved in the transmission, generation, and distribution of electricity. FirstEnergy serves over 6 million customers.

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Q: Where is the company FirstEnergy based at?
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The ticker symbol for FirstEnergy Corporation is FE and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

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The symbol for FirstEnergy Corporation in the NYSE is: FE.

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Ohio Edison merged with Cleveland-based Centerior Energy in 1997. Thus, FirstEnergy Corporation was born, and Burg was named president and CEO in 1999.

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As of July 2014, the market cap for FirstEnergy Corporation (FE) is $13,516,860,602.34.

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It appears that this company was merged with several others into FirstEnergy Corporation which is now valued at about $51.00. Read more at this website:

Who was H. Peter Burg?

Chairman and chief executive officer, FirstEnergy Corporation

Nestle is company based in?

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