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in the organic laws of The United States of America

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Q: Where is the constitution declaration of independence and bill of rights?
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Related questions

Is the Bill of Rights in the Declaration of Independence?

No, the Bill of Rights is not in the Declaration of independence. It is a series of amendments to the US Constitution.

What documents are on display at the National Archives in Washington D.C?

US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, legal documents.

Was the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights more influential of the framing of our Constitution and why?

The Declaration of Independence was written before the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was written after the Constitution, so when it comes to the influence on the writing of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights cannot be the correct answer. Therefore, the correct answer is the Declaration of Independence.

Where is the Bill of Rights kept?

The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution are all stored in Independence Hall. (in Washington D.C.)

What did the Declaration of Independence do to the bill of rights and what did it do to the first ten amendments?

The Declaration of Independence did nothing to the Constitution or Bill of Rights since it came before those documents. It did serve as a starting point for many of the concepts the Constitution and Bill of Rights used.

Name 3 English documents that influenced American democracy?

The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights

How is the bill of rights and the Declaration of Independence the same?

The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are two separate and distinct documents. The Declaration of Independence explains why it had become necessary for the United States of America to declare its independence from England. The Bill of Rights listed a number of things that congress can not do. There is a connection. After the first four long sentences, The Declaration of Independence contains a bill of particulars. Some of the issues in the bill of particulars are in the bill of rights. You can download the entire Declaration and the entire Constitution and compare the bill of particulars with the Constitution.

What values do the declaration of independence the constitution and the bill of rights have in common?

individual citizens should have rights

What was passed four years after the constitutional convention ensuring individual rights?

Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights not the Declaration of Independence.

The document that protects the rights of the people who give the government its power is the?

Declaration of Independence

In which order were US Constitution Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation written and adopted?

The Bill of Rights are part of the constitution and to have a constitution a revolution was required. The Declaration of Independence told the king the colonies were leaving the British monarchy. Now, put this together.

How did the natural rights philosophy and state constitutions impact the creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

the declaration of independence