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Behind one of the buildings near the well.

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Q: Where is the first oasis beetle in wizard101?
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How do you get to the oasis in wizard101?

OKAY. First you defeat ALL of Wizard City. Once Merle gives you direction to Krokotobia, you will realize that the Oasis is the Commons of Krokotobia. Hope this helps.

How do you get a electric beetle in wizard101?

its actually called a storm beetle and you could only get it when wizard101 reached a million player and prospecter Zeke was selling it for 101 crowns.

What is the order for the chimneys in the ironworks on wizard101?

snake, bird beetle

Where is Wul'yahm in Wizard101?

he is located in the krockotopia oasis he is a krock located just off a bridge

Is there a harvest lord pet in wizard101?

No but the harvest lord does give you a Rain beetle which is the storm version of the Frost Beetle

How do you get a rain beetle pet in wizard101?

you can get it by defeating the harfest lord but it is impossible!

Do you enter Oasis in Wizard101?

The Oasis is in Krokotopia. To get there, you must have completed all of the Wizard City quests and been given a quest from Headmaster Ambrose. You must then go to the Spiral Door by going to Bartleby, the World Tree, in Ravenwood.

How do you get inside the oasis on wizard101?

First, you need to be able to go to Krokotopia. That means you have to finish wizard city. You have to have crowns for that, so you can either buy them online or get gift cards. Once you have, you can probably go to Krokotopia but if you have a problem with your computer, you might not get the quest. In Krokotopia, you can teleport to the oasis by clicking the button that lets you teleport to the commons.

How do you get a rain beetle in wizard101?

The pet was available a while ago but Kingsisle removed it, so the only way to get is to hatch with someone who already has it.

Find wul'yahm in wizard 101?

Go to the Oasis in Krokotopia. To get there your going to need Wizard101 Membership. In Raven-wood go to the Giant tree and you should be able to go inside it once you have completed the First Wizard101 World. In side the Tree there should be a World Door which you can Teleport to Krokotopia With. It may take 30 minutes depending on your computer for Krokotopia to download So you can acess it. (Thats only the first time it happens with every world you go to) Once you Teleport to Krokotopia Go through the Large door and explore the Oasis intill you find Wul'yahm. :P

Where is the chamber of fire beetle in wizard101?

Find Danforth, then go up the ramp three levels. Turn right at the end of the third ramp.

What was the first Wizard101 bundle?

The epic bundle.