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Q: Where is the gas exchange for snakes?
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What tissues are responsible for gas exhange in the frog?

skin is responsible for gas exchange in frogs, but not in snakes

Is gas exchange a function of the digestive system?

Gas exchange is a function of respiration not digestion.

What is the elastic unit of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs?

Alveoli is where gas exchange occurs.

What effect does emphysema have on the total area available for gas exchange?

It lowers the area available for gas exchange, therefore gas exchange doesn't happen as quickly or as much as it should.

What system provides gas exchange between blood and air?

Capillary system is where gas exchange occurs

What do gas exchange systems have in common?

The exchange surfaces are moist.

What is the name for exchange of gas in the lungs?

gaseous exchange

In which structure does gas exchange occur?

gas exchange occurs between pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli in the lungs.

Where does gas exchange occur?

gas exchange occurs between the thin walls of the alveoli and the thin walls of the capillaries

How does the gas exchange take place in flatworms?

worms carry out gas exchange by absorbing air through their skin

What are the actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the?

The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the alvioli.

What is the site for gas exchange?

the organ that is involved in gas exchange is the lung. the specific lung structure that is the site for gas exchange is the alveolus which is part of the alveoli, which is found in the lung.