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there was a hush puppy store located on Archer Ave. in Brighton Park back in the 70's.

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Is there a store in Montana that sells hush puppie shoes?

is there a store in Montana that sells women's hush puppy shoes

Where can you find a store in Delaware that sells hush puppy shoes for women?

Macys sells them.

How do i find a hush puppy store location in Illinois?

well you could first go online and search your area for one the go to it!!!!

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Hush puppy

What is the pronunciation of hush puppy?

just like it sounds.

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How about a hush puppy?

What breed of dog is the hush puppy dog?

It's a Bassett Hound.

How did they come up with the name hush puppies the food?

People use to make hush puppies and their dogs would beg to have some, so they would say hush puppy and give them some.

What is the English equivalent of corn syrup?

How about a hush puppy?

Where can one purchase women's hush puppies?

You may buy women's hush puppies online, from the Hush Puppy website. They can range in price from $40 all the way up to $80+. You may also find them at your local retail stores, such as Sears, and Wal-Mart.

What breed of dog is a hush puppy?

A hush puppy is not a breed of dog, it is a food often associated with the Southern US. states. Basically, it's fried corn bread with a bunch of stuff, such as onions, mixed in. A salty, but delicious treat.

Where can you read Hush Hush?

its out, you can order it online at amazon, or a book store. Or you could go out to a bookstore like borders or barnes and noble to pick it up.