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Q: Where is the largest U shaped valley in Europe?
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What can transform v shaped valleys into u shaped valleys?

You can transform a v-shaped valley into a u-shaped valley by a glacier.

What can transform V-shaped river valleys into U-shaped valleys?

You can transform a v-shaped valley into a u-shaped valley by a glacier.

What can transform 'V'-shaped river valleys into 'U'-shaped valleys?

You can transform a v-shaped valley into a u-shaped valley by a glacier.

Which valley are 'U' shaped valley?

'U'-shaped valleys are typically formed by glacial erosion. Examples of such valleys include Yosemite Valley in California, and the Great Lakes region in North America.

Does a you shaped valley indicate glacial erosion?

A 'U' shaped valley indicates glacial erosion.

What is a canyon or a V shaped valley carved by?

A V-shaped valley has been formed by a river. A U-shaped valley has been formed by a glacier.

What is the shape of a valley that is eroded by a stream and a glacier?

A stream shaped valley is usually 'V' shaped. A glacier formed valley is usually 'U' shaped.

What agent of erosion most likely produced this valley's shape?

When the glacier is moving down the side of the valley it scrapes of the rocks. The grinding changes the shape of the valley so that it is rounded.

How do glaciers form u-shaped valleys?

A U-shaped valley begins as a V-shaped river valley. If the temperature is low enough, a glacier (river of ice) forms inside the valley. As the glacier slowly moves, it scours the valley floor when the temperature rises and the glaciers melts away, a U-shaped valley is left behind.

How is a you shaped valley made?

glaciers carve u shaped valleys. ----

What does you shaped valley mean?

A 'U' shaped valley is one that has been gouged out by glacial action. A 'V' shaped valley is one that has been caused by river erosion.

What is the shape of a valley left behind by a glacier?

The shape of a valley carved by a glacier is U shaped. A valley carved by a river is V shaped.