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The turn signal flasher is located in the fuse panel. It is under the dash on the drivers side.

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Q: Where is the signal flasher on 1987 lesabre?
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The 1987 Chevrolet Corvette turn signal flasher switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The turn signal flasher switch will be to the right of the brake pedal.

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yes.under left side of dash

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The turn signal flasher is under the instrument panel to the left of the sterring colunm brace. (note I'm still looking for mine).

Why would the turn signal not work if it is not the fuse located on a 1991 Buick LeSabre?

Bulbs or turn signal flasher, maybe even the switch.

Why does left tuen signal not flash on a 1994 Buick lesabre?

Could be a burnt out bulb or a bad flasher unit.

Why would the turn signal on a 1994 Buick LeSabre not flash?

More than likely the Flasher Relay is bad.

Where is the signal flasher located on 87 Acura Legend?

The signal flasher on a 1987 Acura Legend is located under the fuse box. This is on the driver's side under the dashboard.

What is wrong if Right turn signal lights do burn but will not flash on 1995 Buick LeSabre?

Sounds like you need a new flasher.

Blinker blinks really fast on a 1995 buick lesabre and all my bulbs work?

Turn signal flasher may be defective

How do you fix the blinkers on 1987 LeSabre Is there a flasher?

The flasher is under the dash by the steering wheel column and there are two - one for four ways and one for turn signals. Also check and see if you have any burnt out bulbs as these will also cause them not to work. A burnt out bulb in the front will not let the rear signal work.