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Global warming will head to Antarctica (south pole

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Q: Where might global warming head to next?
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What is the connection of global warming into creation of an ice age?

Global warming may postpone the oncoming next ice age.

What is the impact of global warming on the lake?

it has a chance of flooding in the next 50 years according to recent research on global warming.

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D. A definition

Can a person kick you out from one day to the next in Massachusetts?

i hate global warming

Could governments have done more in the past to prevent global warming?

Yes, we have known about global warming since about the middle of last century, but governments have been slow to act. Politicians rarely can see beyond the next election, and action on global warming takes some years before we see a result. Now, as global warming and its effects are beginning to be more obvious governments may act.

How will global warming affect Breckinridge County in the next decade?

It's not possible to say accurately what will happen to Breckinridge County in the future. Climate changes over the next decade might be hard to attribute to global warming. Ten years is a short time in climatic terms. Global warming is happening all over the world. Some places will be drier than before. Other places will be wetter than before. Warming causes weather, so more warming is certainly going to affect the weather. Low lying countries and coastlines and cities will be in danger from rising sea levels. Warming oceans expand, and this is causing the rise firstly. Melting glaciers and ice caps are a secondary reason. Places too cold for agriculture may be able to be farmed, but much of the present croplands may have to adapt or be abandoned if global warming continues.

What are some slogans against global warming?

Why we are using plastic bags in spite of global warmingEarth-please do think about me!"Global warming, a Global warning""Alone we can make a difference , but together we can change the world and protect our mother earth from global warming""We're burning our children's inheritance""Global Warming - A topic that's heating up"There are lots of possible slogans.Let's leave the world in usable condition for the next generation.Let's act now, before Antarctica melts.Global warming is real, the glaciers are already melting.Global warming is going to become a huge problem unless we act now.Global warming is the biggest challenge of the 21st century.If we do not deal with global warming, the human race has no future.Global warming is worse than you think.the world and greenstop,global warming,save your future"I am hot, but the earth should not be!"Use it, then turn it off at the wall.Give a hoot - don't pollute.stop,global warming,save your futureRecycle, for your grandchildren's sakeGlobal Warming Is Global WarningIf you want wood, if you want food, plant trees wherever you is the place to and not water

Will global warming change the next coming years?

There is every indication that it will cause drastic changes in the coming years.

How big a threat is global warming?

Chances are, global warming is going to get worse, however, we cannot predict exactly how rapidly this will happen or how bad it will get. My guess is that I will not live to see severe global warming, but the next generation after me probably will. And severe global warming could be very destructive. The immediate threat is that the ice caps will melt, and the sea level will rise a great deal, causing massive flooding of coastal regions. Many other problems are likely to result as well. Things could get very interesting.

What point will people believe global warming is an issue?

hopefully sometime before next year (as I already understand it's a big issue).

Why does America continue to accept the fact that Global Warming is real?

The evidence indicates it is real, and that human activity is the primary (though not necessarily sole) cause. I'm not convinced enough Americans accept that Global Warming is real to effect necessary changes. Some groups who proposed business oriented solutions (such as cap and trade) have since backpedaled, and if America accepts global warming is real the country is doing next to nothing about it.

What is the hottest year due to global warming?

The UN's (United Nations) World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has confirmed that 2010 was the warmest year on record, verifying a "significant" long-term trend of global warming. It was fractionally warmer than 2005 and 1998, the next two warmest.