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In draught free room with washable floor eg kitchen, not in your bedroom.

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Q: Where should puppy sleep first night home?
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How do you get a puppy to sleep at night when he sleeps all day?

i blew cigarette smoke in our puppies face while they were crying all night and they went to sleep, does that answer your question?

How many should 9 year oldies sleep a night?

They should sleep about 8 or 9 hours a night.

How long should you sleep each night if your fourteen?

A fourteen year old should get nine hours of sleep each night.

When should hamsters sleep?

They should sleep all day and be up all night

Should your puppy sleep in your bed?

In the dog world, the "alpha" sleeps higher than the rest of the pack, so it is important that the puppy be taught its place in the family and never be allowed on the bed or other furniture. If the puppy is already used to getting on the bed, temporarily place the puppy's bed in a small room or closet where it will have no choice but to sleep on that bed. (You might have to put up with some crying for a night or two.) Once the puppy is used to sleeping on its own bed, move it to where you want it permanently. Repeat the process, if necessary, until the puppy knows you are serious about it.

How much should a puppy sleep during the day He seems to take many naps throughout the day and keep us awake at night. What should we do?

Make sure that the pup gets a playtime before bedtime. This will assure that he will be tired and sleep at night and not keep you awake. Try to curb his naps when it gets later in the day. Pups do well when they are on a schedule.

Should a new puppy sleep with you older dog?

If the older dog allows it - yes.

What is the best way to train my puppy?

The first thing that you should do is spend about 10-15 minutes every day training your puppy. If you train your puppy longer than this allotted time than it may become restless and not respond to training. Second, take the sole responsibility of training your puppy, as it will look to you as the leader, and it will respond better. The first thing that you should teach your puppy, and which will also help its restlessness, is to teach it to sleep in a crate rather than on a dog bed or your own bed with you. This is important because dogs are naturally den animals. Make sure that the crate is smaller when it is just a puppy so that it will not go to the washroom in it, but as it becomes housebroken move the crate to where you sleep.

Where should a pup sleep at night?

In a warm kennel!

What is the best bedding for a puppy to sleep on?

that depends, you should talk to the breeder and ask what kind of bedding they used, the puppy will be most used to that bedding. Also if your puppy has a special condition, talk to the vet.

What should you do if you can't sleep at night?

There are some non prescription sleep aides at the pharmacy.