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Your question presumes a dichotomy between the two, that what might be good for the framers as individuals would necessarily be bad for the country as a whole. That is false and no one ever looked at it that way. As it is though, the constitutional convention was not a cabal intended to secure the personal fortunes of those attending. The weak government of the Articles of Confederation was causing economic difficulties which were hurting everyone and growing political chaos, as exemplified by Shays' Rebellion, which was laying the country open to all the dufficulties of insurrection and invasion. The great majority of people, high and low, recognized that *something* needed to be done. The constitution was intended to improve the political strength of the country and thus create cxonditions more prosperous, more secure, and more tranquil for everyone. Michael Montagne

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Q: Where the Founding Father's intentions for the betterment of the American people or for self gain?
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