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The Allies landed on five beaches in the French province of Normandy on D-Day. The Americans landed on the two largest: Omaha and Utah Beach. Utah Beach was a typical beach invasion that went well, with moderate (within expectation) casualties. Omaha Beach was a slaughterhouse, but with tenacity, it was held. Sword, Gold and Juno beaches were taken by the British and Canadians with only moderate resistance.

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Q: Where the allies landed on D day?
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What event does D day refer to?

D-Day refers to when the allies landed in Normandy, France.

How many allies were at d day?

Over 170,000 Allied soldiers landed from ships and aircraft on D-Day.

What is the nickname for the day the Allies landed in France during World War 2?


What is the codename for the beach where the allied landed on D-day?

Actually there were five beaches that the Allies landed on in the D-Day operation: Utah: American Omaha: American Juno: Canadian Gold: British Sword: British

How long was the port on d day?

There were no ports on D-Day, the Allies landed on the beaches and built floating ports later in the month.

What was the D-Day World War 2?

D-Day was when the Allies landed in force in France, to drive the German armies back.

What were the names of the beaches that the allies landed on d day?

Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold, & Sword .

Why does France celebrate d-day?

d-day is celebrated every where in Europe especially in France, that is where the Allies landed to liberate Europe during the 2nd WW

Was d-day successful explain the outcome?

D-Day was successful because on the first day alone the Allies landed over 170,000 soldiers with almost 10,000 vehicles.

What did allies accoplish on d day?

They landed over 175,000 soldiers and almost 1,000 armoured fighting vehicles.

Which of the allies that landed on d day captured Paris?

It was a team effort, I don't think anyone won by themselves.

What does the term D Day stand for?

The D in D-Day actually doesn't stand for anything. It was a name that was assigned for the day that the Allies landed on the Northern coast of France. It is assigned many names such as "Death" and "Destruction".