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Q: Where to find a Punnet Square for Edwards Syndrome?
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A pennett square is used to find?

i believe you mean punnet square and it is used to find heredity traits

What does a punnet square do for geneticists?

punnet square is generally used to find out possible traits that can be inherited by an individual .ex: say about the eye color of offspring from father a gene for green eye and from mother a gene for blue eye .using punnet square they can predict ,just predict what type of eye color combos can be possible.

How to find possible genetic combinations given a genotype?

by going to

What does a punnet square used to find?

It is used to determine the probability of the two parents offspring having a certain trait(s).

In order to find your expected numbers for the Chi Square analysis what must you first make and why?

You have to have the Punnet Square 1st so that the data collected in the PS can be used to work the Chi-Square.

How can you find a percentage chance from a Punnet square?

A punnett square is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant represents one possible offspring of the parents and has a 25% chance of occurring. Count up how many times the trait you are looking for occurs and multiply by 25. That is the chance it will occur in the offspring.

How do you fill in a punnet square?

An example of a punnet square is if you have the heterozygous Bb genotype. The punnet square would have a big B and a little B at the top and on the side. The first square would be BB, the second one would be Bb, the third would be Bb, and the fourth would be bb. the possibility that the child has the bb genotype is 1/4.

How do you find the percent of a punnet square?

A 16 box Punnett square is set at 4 x 4. each possibility in the square has a base chance of 1/16, or 6.25 percent. each duplicate adds to the running total for that possible combination.

What tool is used in order to determine the probabilities of phenotypes and genotypes resulting from specific genetic crosses?

Punnett Square...... I'm in 7th grade and know that. Punnet Squre is where you find breeding

If a blue eyed women has a child with a brown eyed man what color will the child's eyes be?

It Depends what the domionant colour is you can draw a punnet square and find out the chances =] but it will either be brown or blue obvii

Which is expressed a dominant or recessive allele and which is passed on to the offspring?

The dominant allele will always show over the recessive, and both can be passed onto the offspring. To find out exactly which genotypes the children can have you need to make a punnet square!

What are the kinds of syndrome?

There is Andromens Syndrome which i cant seem to find what it is...