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Q: Where to take a truck for gas leak repair?
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If you can clearly smell gas there may be a leak and I would suggest that you have it checked asap. It may be a minor repair but never take chances with a possible gas leak.

How can I fix a Gas tank leak?

Gas tank leak repair at Canadian tire or replace it,replacement is the best choice if you're keeping the car.

What would happen if you left the gas switched on on a forklift truck?

The propane will leak out

Do fireplace maintenance companies work on gas fireplaces, and if so can they repair a gas leak?

Do fireplace maintenance service companies work on gas fireplaces also? I think I have a leak, as I smell gas when I turn my fireplace on.

How do you repair a gas leak on a 98' Buick Le Sabre?

where is the gas leaking from from the left back driver side

How do you repair a leak in a plastic gas tank?

There are patch kits made especially for this do not repair, throw it away and fit a replacement.

Would vac leak stop your truck from getting good gas mileage?

Yes, a vacuum leak will be detrimental to fuel mileage.

How do you refill air conditioning gas on a 1998 Ford Expedition?

It is called refrigerant. Take it to a professional to repair the leak as you have one if it is low of refrigerant. He will then fill it up.

How much would it cost to repair a gas leak on a 1999 eclipse?

We need a lot more info than that to come close to answering that one. Any gas leak is serious, have the vehicle towed to a trusted garage for repair, don't drive it.

What does it mean when your truck is tapping when you hit the gas?

You may have an exhaust leak very close to the engine.

How Much should it cost to repair a leak in the gas line on a 93 Oldsmobile?

you will have to replace the line