

Where was Obama living in Kenya?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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President Obama never lived in Kenya, although his father was born there and the President has half-siblings there.

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Does Barack Obama have any brothers still living in Kenya?

He has two half-brother's still living in Kenya; they are Malik Obama and Abo Obama.

Does Barack Obama have a spouse and kids in Kenya?

Certainly not true for President Obama. His father, also named Barack Obama, who is no longer living, did have a wife and children in Kenya.

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His paternal grandmother Habiba Akumu Obama is alive and living in Kenya. His paternal grandfather died in 1979.

Why didnt Barack go back to Kenya?

A lot of people wonder why Obama doesn't go back to Kenya. In a speech, Michelle Obama said Kenya is Barack Obama's home country.

What connects the president of the US to Kenya?

The current president, Barack Obama, had family descended from Kenya. His father, Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya.

Does Obama's brother live in Kenya?

The President has half-siblings in Kenya. Also, Mark Obama is President Obama's half brother who has been living in China for several years and recently wrote an autobiography. President Obama's father had many children by several wives that the President never knew in his childhood or early years of his adult life.

Did Obama's dad have a nationality?

Barack Obama Sr was from Kenya.

Was President Barack Obama born in Hawaii or Kenya?

Barack Obama's dad was born in Kenya and our president was born in Hawaii

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He never lived in Kenya or Mexico.

Obama mom and dad dead?

No, only Michelle's father died. Her mother, Marian Robinson is still living, and is the only grandparent of Sasha and Malia Obama.

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