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Dominic was born on April 2, 1842, at Riva di Chieri, Turin, Italy.

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Saint Dominic Savio was born in Riva di Chieri, a small town near Turin in northern Italy.

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What is the nationality of Saint Dominic Savio?

Dominic Savio was Italian.

Is Saint Dominic Savio incorrupt?

Yes, Saint Dominic Savio's body is considered to be incorrupt. His body has been found to be remarkably well-preserved since his death in 1857. This is seen as a sign of holiness in Catholic tradition.

What were the names of the parents of Saint Dominic Savio?

The names of the parents of Saint Dominic Savio were Carlo Savio and Brígida Gaiato.

When is Saint Dominic Savio's feast day?

March 9 is the feast day of Dominic Savio.

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Dominic Savio, later to be known as Saint Dominic Savio.

Does Saint Dominic Savio have a symbol?

Saint Dominic Savio is often depicted holding a palm branch or wearing a palm branch crown as a symbol of his martyrdom. He is also sometimes shown with a lily, which symbolizes purity and simplicity in his devotion to God.

Did Saint Dominic have siblings?

Yes, Saint Dominic had at least two siblings - a brother named Antonio and a sister named Mannes.

Who was the significant person of Saint Dominic Savio?

St. John Bosco was a close friend and mentor of Dominic Savio.

What is the family background of Saint Dominic Savio?

Dominic Savio was born on April 2, 1842, to Carlo and Brigida Savio. They lived near Turin, Italy. His father was a blacksmith and his mother a seamstress. He was one of ten children and a protege of Saint John Bosco.

Who was Saint Dominic Savio's patron saint?

He was probably named for St. Dominic de Guzman.

What was the cause of Saint Dominic Savio's death?

Dominic died of pulmonary problems.

Why did Saint Dominic Savio become a saint?

Saint Dominic Savio was known for his exceptional piety and dedication to living a holy life from a young age. He demonstrated a deep love for God and tirelessly strived to live a life of virtue. His strong faith, purity of heart, and devotion to the Christian faith inspired others, leading to his canonization as a saint.