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Q: Where was the alkaline battery invented?
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Why was the alkaline battery invented?

becasue it was

What was the name of the person who invented alkaline batteries?

The person who invented the alkaline battery was Lewis Urry. He invented both this battery and the lithium battery in the 1950s. These batteries were longer running and cheaper than their precursors.

Who is someone that changed the world starting with U?

Lewis Urry invented the alkaline battery. His name begins with the letter U.

What is the difference between and alkaline battery and a pile alkaline battery?

Nothing. The only difference is the company's marketing.

Is a lead acid car battery the same as a 9 volt alkaline battery?

No, a lead acid battery is a wet cell battery and a 9 volt alkaline battery is a dry cell battery.

Is alkaline drinks good for you?

No, because alkaline drinks is not healthy.Alkaline is the type of battery..impossible people drinks battery.

What is in a AAA alkaline battery?

AAA type alkaline battery is a carbon-zinc battery; the tension is 1,5 V. The electrolyte is ammonium chloride as a paste.

Is a D battery the same as LR20?

Yes. The LR-20 is a D-sized 1.5-volt alkaline battery. The battery number for Duracell is MN1300.

What year was the telegraph invented by Thomas Edison?

1900 - 1910 Invented and perfected the steel alkaline storage battery and made it a commercial success.1902-1903 Worked on improving the Edison Primary Battery. Continued to invent improvements to his phonograph - his favorite invention - and associated cylinders.

Is Battery is DC or AC?

An alkaline battery's output is DC as is any battery.

What chemical reaction is Zinc undergoing in a alkaline battery?

In an alkaline battery zinc is giving up electrons, so it's being reduced.

Where are alkaline batteries on the pH scale?

An Alkaline battery has a pH of around 10-11