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In 1947 Bell labs made the first cell phone, but in 1973 Dr. Martin Cooper took it further and made the cell phone like the ones we have today. He worked for Motorola. It was in 1983 that the first cell phones were offered for sale to the public.

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Q: Where was the first cell phone created?
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When was the cell phone first created?

apiril 3,1973

Where did they invention the first cell phone?

Darrel Wolfenschiser created the first cell phone in 1946

When was the first phone?

1870s and the first cell phone was created in the 1970s.

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Who made the cell phone and when was the cell phone made it?

The first cellphone ever made was by Martin Cooper. It was invented in April in 1973.

Who invented the cell phone or the phone.?

The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell and the cell phone was created by Martin Cooper

Who was the first person to create the cell phone?

Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

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The first cell phone with a keyboard was Treo 180. It was released in 2001.

When did you get your cell phone?

I got my first cell phone 10 years ago.

What year did the cell phone start?

The first mobile phone was created in 1945. It was very primitive. For example, it did not allow a user to carry a conversation between cells (because there were no cells). The first modern mobile phone was introduced and demonstrated by Motorola in 1973. In 1983, the FCC approved the Motorola DynaTAC for use in the US.

Where was the cell phone first used?

The cell phone was first used in New York City by Martin Cooper

Who created the cell phone and when?

The idea for a cell phone actually began with police radios in the 1920's, but it wasn't until 1947 that Bell labs made the first cell phone. Yet, the man given the most credit for its creation is Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola who made a true working cell phone in 1973. From 1973 to 1984 cell phones were mainly for government work, but in 1984 the first cell phone was sold to the public. This phone looked like a land line phone, was large and heavy and carried in a zippered bag.