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Q: Where was the location where the south surrendered?
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The South surrendered.

What happened to Texas immediately after the south surrendered?

Within weeks confederate president Jefferson Davis was captured and the remaining of the south surrendered.

Where the south surrendered in the civil war?

The majority of the Southern military surrendered at Appomattox, VA.

When and where did the south surrender in the civil war?

the south surrendered at appotamox courthouse

Who surrendered on the American Civil War?

The south

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When they surrendered in WW2, all territory was surrendered.

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at Yorktown Cornwallis surrendered

When did the south surrendered the US Civil War?


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The North won. The South surrendered in April 1975.

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lee surrendered to grant at Appotamox courthouse

Civil war events?

people died and the south surrendered.\