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The convention beginning on May 25, 1787, was referred to as the Phildelphia Convention or the Grand Convention, but because it actually led to the replacement of the Articles with a new Constitution, it is usually called the Constitutional Convention.

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The Constitutional Convention where they made the current Constitution was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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The Constitutional Convention.

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Q: Where was the meeting to try to fix the articles of confederation?
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Maryland and Virginia took the lead in calling for a meeting to try to resolve which problems under the articles of confederation?

The meeting between Maryland and Virginia was called the Mount Vernon Conference. The main discussion was regarding commerce, fishing, and control of water navigation for their common borders.

In what ways did the framers try to improve on the Articles of Confederation?

The Framers revised the Articles because many thought that the states needed more power.The states thought it was too much like the British government so they wanted more power.

How did America try to run itself after declaring independence?

The first form of government after independence was a Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, a document signed be the 13 original colonies established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution. But, it was much like the United Nations today -- since there was little central authority it didn't work and was soon replaced by our present Constitution giving more authority to the Federal Government.

Where can you find news articles on persons?

try wikipedia

Did the framers disregard their original purpose for meeting in Philadelphia?

Yes, No and Maybe:The stated intention of the Philadelphia Convention was to discuss and try to correct flaws in the Articles of Confederation. They certainly did that. Yes, some of the delegates may have gone there with no intention of repairing a flawed document (the Band Aid approach) and fully intending to create a new and stronger central government (the Major Surgery approach). As radical as big change may have seemed it quickly became apparent that something on a grander scale was needed to unite all of these former British Colonies. No, they did study and discuss the flaws in the Articles of Confederation and then they resolved to move beyond the fixer-upper approach. Maybe they went beyond the set guidelines of the Convention's limited agenda. Big ideas can sometimes evolve into grand documents like the United States Constitution.

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Can the Articles of Confederation be linked to any of the earlier documents?

Try the Magna Carta

Maryland and Virginia took the lead in calling for a meeting to try to resolve which problems under the articles of confederation?

The meeting between Maryland and Virginia was called the Mount Vernon Conference. The main discussion was regarding commerce, fishing, and control of water navigation for their common borders.

Why was the constitutional convetion held?

the purpose was to make the federal government stronger and have more control over the colonists.... etc.

Could each state coin its own money under the articles of confederation?

No. Each state had its own currency. The Constitution established a national currency.

Why was the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention changed after Congress met?

Congress realized the Articles of Confederation were not working for the people of the United States, so they called for a Constitutional Convention to revise the Articles. They hoped that it would be possible to revise the Articles of Confederation to better unite the country through legal means. However, once the convention began, it became clear that the Articles were beyond repair, so the Constitution was created to replace them.

In what ways did the framers try to improve on the Articles of Confederation?

The Framers revised the Articles because many thought that the states needed more power.The states thought it was too much like the British government so they wanted more power.

How did America try to run itself after declaring independence?

The first form of government after independence was a Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, a document signed be the 13 original colonies established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution. But, it was much like the United Nations today -- since there was little central authority it didn't work and was soon replaced by our present Constitution giving more authority to the Federal Government.

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Did Declaration of Independence occur second?

No, It actually was created third. It is not recognized that after the Articles of Confederation there was another try to organize the country. It was called the United States of America's Doctrine. It contained what the Declaration of Independence had, but lacked tweaks that 13 states opposed to. Hope this helps

Where can you find news articles on persons?

try wikipedia

What are the names of some board meeting meeting software?

Board Books, Go To Meeting, Meeting Minutes are all examples of board meeting software. Board Paq is another example of board meeting software and it has a free demo to try.