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All of Nazi occupied Europe and from territories occupied by her allies.

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Q: Where were Jews brought from in the holocaust?
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What were one of the reasons given by the Nazis for the Holocaust?

that the Jews brought it upon themselves for starting the war.

Why did they give Jews haircut holocaust?

To prevent lice from being brought into the camp. The Nazi's wanted to prevent typhus.

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

Would you have Jews in the Holocaust?

there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

In the Holocaust what did Jews get killed for doing?

In the Holocaust Jews were killed simply for being Jews, in fact simply for existing.

Why did the holocaust aimed at jews?

The Holocaust is the name we give to the German attempted genocide of the Jews.

The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

Who were parted of the holocaust?

The German's were part of the Holocaust and so was Poland also the Jews were Ha Jews

How did the holocaust result in change?

it did more to change the way that the world treated Jews.

What was the mass murder of the European Jews?


How many Jews were killed during the holocaust'?

The official figure is that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

How many Jews are alleged to have been killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust?

6,000,000 Jews were killed during the holocaust.