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Q: Where were most of the plantations?
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What kind of plantations did the European colonists build?

The first, and most successful long-term plantations in the United States were tobacco plantations.

Why did the spanish bring africans to plantations in the new world?

To work. Due to the Great Dying there was a very small indigenous population, especially in the Caribbean, which is where most New World plantations were located. Most common plantations in the New World were sugar plantations.

Why did the southern colonies had the most slaves?

The southern colonies had the most slaves due to their reliance on labor-intensive crop production, such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. The warm climate and fertile soil also made it conducive to large-scale agricultural operations that required a significant labor force. Additionally, the plantation system that developed in the South further entrenched the institution of slavery.

Where did most slaves live?

southern plantations

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Where were most of the early plantations located?


Where did most people lived in the colonies?

large plantations

How did people live in the 1920s?

most of them lived in or on plantations

What was the most slavery in the south?

slaves worked on plantations

Were most of the American plantations were located?

In South Texas

What did most rich southern planter do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

How were plantations in the southern colonies differents from small farms?

Southern colonies had rich soil and warm climate