

Where were the Hykos from?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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8y ago

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they were from south-west Asia

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Q: Where were the Hykos from?
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The Levantine group that conquered Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period were called the HYKSOS.

Enemies of the Persian empire?

Well for starters they had lots of enemies but there main one waz me i killed all those b****s and i ain't lien naaa sike it was the Hykos, Hattis, and the Nubians. lol

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they use new inventions like catapultes and oter new technologys

Who was pharaoh during the Hyksos invasion?

no there was no invasion guess somepeople are braindead why you people say that Joseph the son of Jacob of the Hebrew never existed the people were said to be very pecular people yeah wonder why because they were semitic and had white skins not this dark skinned creatures they were not the hykos shepherd kings founded all of Europe why would new troy be called that who were these people what was judahs sons name from tamar which the word pharoah comes from and the other is where the word czar comes from zarrah and phaess there was never a pharoah in Egypt till the children of Israel came and there would not have been two exodus from Egypt the first was the war to get the hypkes out and the 2nd was by command of Yahwh to get his people out of Egypt by moses out history would not have had these things happen if those two events had not happened by the living God Yahwh and the event of today would not be happening now