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When president Andrew Jackson began to move the American citizens into the western regions, he had a problem; that land was inhabited by Native Americans. That didn't stop him. He sent out soldiers to force the Indians off the land by gunpoint. One famous event, was when the Cherokee Nation tried to fight Jackson. They sued America. The case got so big, it was brought up to the Supreme Court. The court ruled Jackson Unconstitutional, and said that the Cherokee did not have to leave. This didn't stop Jackson either. He still force the Cherokee off their homeland of Georgia, into a small piece of present-day Oklahoma with the other tribes. In my opinion, Jackson was a cruel and evil man. His face does not deserve to be printed on the 20 dollar bill. By the way, just a little fun fact: when Jackson was running against John Quincy Adams in 1828, Jackson was known as a democrat. Adams' followers called him a jack*** for his behavior. He liked it so much, he decided that the donkey would be the democrat's mascot. That is the story of how the donkey became the democratic animal of choice.

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Q: Where did the tribes in the Indian removal act go?
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What act stated that Native Americans had to more west of the Mississippi?

The Indian Removal Act did not state that the Indian Had to go west of the Mississippi. The Act actually gave the President the right to negotiate with the tribes their removal to west of the mississippi. The tribes would first have to agree to this. Jackson broke this law and forced the removal of several tribes.

Was the Indian Removal Act wrote by a specific person?

The Indian Removal Act was passed through congress by Andrew Jackson in 1830. This act allowed Andrew Jackson to negotiate removal of the Indians east of the Mississippi. It was once thought that America would never expand past the Mississippi, so they could force Indians to go there and Americans would not have to bother with them. This started almost thirty years of force migrations of tribes to areas west of the Mississippi.

When did Andrew Jackson go to congress for the Indian removal act?

they were to assimilate or adopt to the way an american soldier live

Which act did congress pass to force the relocation of native Americans?

The Indian Removal Act. As people began to move west they wanted the Native American lands, so the act made it official that the tribes were to be removed. From the very moment of the first colony the European settlers did their best to kill, remove, or displace the Native tribes from their lands. The government made treaties they broke and they forcibly removed people to reservations. The Union army would go into a sleeping village early in the morning and kill men, women, and children. The government policy was a " good Indian was a dead one" and they would do anything to accomplish this task. Read Black Elk Speaks or Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for further understanding of the genocide that was committed.

Which group of native Americans were most hurt by jacksons removal policy?

Native American tribes that lived east of the Mississippi River were the people most hurt by Andrew Jacksonâ??s Indian Removal Policy. These people did not know where they could go, how to survive on foreign lands, or who they could trust.

How did the Indian Removal Act affect the Americans?

The Indian Removal Act forced Native Americans away from their native homes. They were forcibly relocated, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away. Some died on the way and all were disenfranchised.

What was the names of the four Indian tribes that moved west of the Mississippi and which tribe refused to go?


Why did the US passed the Indian Removal Act and what was the result?

As people began to move west they wanted the Native American lands, so the act made it official that the tribes were to be removed. From the very moment of the first colony the European settlers did their best to kill, remove, or displace the Native tribes from their lands. The government made treaties they broke and they forcibly removed people to reservations. The Union army would go into a sleeping village early in the morning and kill men, women, and children. The government policy was a " good Indian was a dead one" and they would do anything to accomplish this task. Read Black Elk Speaks or Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for further understanding of the genocide that was committed.

why did they sign the Indian removal act?

As people began to move west they wanted the Native American lands, so the act made it official that the tribes were to be removed. From the very moment of the first colony the European settlers did their best to kill, remove, or displace the Native tribes from their lands. The government made treaties they broke and they forcibly removed people to reservations. The Union army would go into a sleeping village early in the morning and kill men, women, and children. The government policy was a " good Indian was a dead one" and they would do anything to accomplish this task. Read Black Elk Speaks or Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for further understanding of the genocide that was committed.

Why did the US pass the Indian removal act what was the result?

As people began to move west they wanted the Native American lands, so the act made it official that the tribes were to be removed. From the very moment of the first colony the European settlers did their best to kill, remove, or displace the Native tribes from their lands. The government made treaties they broke and they forcibly removed people to reservations. The Union army would go into a sleeping village early in the morning and kill men, women, and children. The government policy was a " good Indian was a dead one" and they would do anything to accomplish this task. Read Black Elk Speaks or Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for further understanding of the genocide that was committed.

What were Three Indian tribes that live in the interior and southern regions of Alaska?

Im not sure but go do some research

Where did the Indian removal policies force native Americans to go in the US?

Reservations. The Trail of Tears was the Cherokee nation walking from Georgia to Oklahoma because of the removal to the reservation in Oklahoma.