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Q: Where would a geologist collect rocks and soil samples?
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A geologist collects five different rock samples The geologist identifies the five samples as pumice granite basalt siltstone and sandstone If you were a geologist how would you divide the samp?

You would divide them into how the rocks were formed.Pumice, granite and basalt are all made from molten material that has since cooled. These rocks are calledigneous rocksthe other two are made up ofbits and piecesof other rock that have been cemented together. These are called clastic sedimentary rock.

Which would usually get studied by a geologist?


If you take rocks from the earth or moon?

You would be a Geologist,

What do you have to study to become a Geologist?

You would have to study science as geology is to do with rocks

What is the name of scientist who study rocks and the history of the earth?

Petrologists and mineralogists study rocks and minerals respectively. Earth's landforms are studied by geomorphologists.They may collectively be known as geologists.geologistsGeologistsBest answer would be the earth scientists known as geologists.

What is the opposite of geologist?

That's a hard question to answer, since a Geologist is someone who researches rocks, minerals, and the composition of the earth, what would you consider the opposite of a geologist. Possibly someone who studies the stars such as an astronomer.

What do astronauts experience in space?

they experience alot they, also collect information on rocks, and so they would show it to the world. by shirleyXxoO they experience alot they, also collect information on rocks, and so they would show it to the world. by shirleyXxoO they experience alot they, also collect information on rocks, and so they would show it to the world. by shirleyXxoO they experience alot they, also collect information on rocks, and so they would show it to the world. by shirleyXxoO they experience alot they, also collect information on rocks, and so they would show it to the world. by shirleyXxoO

what data would you collect on Saturn?

on the rings you could collect rocks and gas substances

Who is the most knowledgeable person on the subject of rocks?

That would be a geologist. Take your pick from the list of the world's best.

What would be a common task for an oceanographer?

going on a dive to collect samples of ocean water at different depths

How would a geologist use the principle of superposition to determine the relative ages of the rocks in the grand canyon?

The correolation of how a scientist works it .

What is a scientist called who studies rocks and fossils?

Strictly speaking these are two differing types of scientists. Petrologists study rocks and paleontologists study fossils. However both these disciplines are covered in the broader training of a geologist.