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Sea level

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Q: Where would an egg cook faster at sea level or on a mountain?
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Does it take longer to cook spagehtti at sea level or on a mountain?

The boiling temperature of water is dependent on the surrounding pressure. And air pressure decreases as you get higher up. As pressure decreases, so does the boiling point. This means that the water will start to boil faster on the mountain, but it will boil at a lower temperature. At a lower temperature, food takes longer to cook.

How can I Cook chili faster with chunks of meat or ground meat?

ground meat because it can cook to the inside faster and if it was whole then it would take a longer time to cook !:)

Can you cook beef and chicken in slow cooker together?

no it would be uncooked and really cold. also cook one at a time and it just might cook faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What cooks faster. Whole potato or thin?

Sliced potatoes would cook faster because there is more surface area to absorb the heat

Why would it be difficult to cook an egg to a hardboiled stage at the top of a mountain?

Because of the altitude.

Does white turkey meat cook faster than dark turkey meat?

I believe that dark meat would cook faster since it contains more fat and heat is attracted to fat.

Why you add salt to cook pulses?

There is the opinion that cooking would be faster; I did not notice this effect.

Would a thick cake cook faster than a thin cake if the fat cake is closer to the oven?

A cake can only cook if it is in an oven. And a thicker cake would take longer to cook than the thin cake would.

Why is it difficult to cook on mountainous areas?

It would be difficult to cook on a mountain due to its lack of resources. The higher the altitude, the lesser the resources such as fuel.

Does pasta cook faster when salt is added?

Since salt is an electrolyte, yes, it does cook faster, but it's not that much of a difference.

Highest mountain mountain in new zealand?

Aoraki/Mount Cook.

Would you prefer a gas or electric oven?

Gas ovens are my preference,they cook faster and more even.