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selley oak hospital in Birmingham and then on to headley court for rehabilitation

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Q: Where would injured soldiers go from Afghanistan?
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Do soldiers choose to go to war with Afghanistan?


When were the soldiers going home in world war 1?

Soldiers went home if they were injured. Other times they would go home for a break.

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How did Australia get into the war in Afghanistan?

As allies of the United Kingdom and opponents of terrorism, Australia supported them in their decision to go to war, and showed that support in many ways - including sending soldiers into Afghanistan.

When did the United State enter the Afghanistan war?

The war in Afghanistan seems to have been going on for the longest time. US soldiers were first sent into Afghanistan after the Russian pulled out of Afghanistan. The first US soldiers entered Afghanistan in 2001.

What was the enlistment time for soldiers during the civil war?

it was when you go in you don't get out till you get injured and cant fight or you die

Where did soldiers go first in world war 1 if they were injured?

well it depends where they were hurt, if i was in the front lines then they usually had a holspital near or medics would take them somwhere where they couldn't be harmed :)

Can you raise money by lying about a injured animal?

NO! you would go to jail unless you injured that animal or really were living with a injured pet

Where does the Army come into the US from Afghanistan?

If their post has a usable airfield within range to not require a stop in the US enroute, they'll go there (e.g., soldiers from Fort Drum would use that airfield, soldiers from Fort Bragg would use Pope AFB, etc.). Otherwise, the POE is determined by what's enroute to the final destination.

When will troops be reduced in Afghanistan?

Obama stated, during his campaign, that troops would increase in Afghanistan and go down in Iraq. Neither has occurred.

What did women do during world war 1 and why could they not work?

They did work. They took over all the mens jobs as they had to go to war. many women would be trained up as nurses and help the injured soldiers at war

What was the importence of the battle of Bunker Hill?

It showed that the colonies weren't gonna go down easy. Although they lost, they killed/injured many British soldiers.