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Q: Where you found the original Mona Lisa painting today?
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Where is the original Mona Lisa painting now?

In the Louvre museum, Paris.

Where is the Mona Lisa original painting?

The Mona Lisa can be seen in the Louvre Museum which is in Paris , France .

What Renaissance painting was found on December 12 1913?

the mona lisa

What is the most famous french museum is the painting of the Mona Lisa found?

the Mona Lisa is being housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris

What is the most famous painting found?

Probably Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

Is the Mona Lisa a study of form or proportion?

The Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting itself to widely known for its subtly modeling form over proportion. The original belongs to the French government.

What year was the Mona Lisa painting painted in?

It was stolen from the Louvre in 1910 and found again in 1912.

Mystery identity of monalisa painting?

mona Lisa mysteryWell mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da vinci they said that mona Lisa was not really a painting becasuse they did not found any marks of paintbrush and until now no one knows if it is real or what.based from the scientist mona Lisa painting was just printed but it is not true it is a real and perfect painting of Leonardo da vinci.again this is from:rangelica anne Marie S. Villcac

When did the Mona Lisa painting start?

mona lisa started painting when she was 16 years old

What is the name of the Famous painting of a young woman by the artist Leonardo da Vinci?

The Mona Lisa, the painting is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. It is believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506.

What does painting Lisa mean with 4 letters?

Perhaps it's a reference to the famous painting Mona Lisa .

How does the Mona Lisa influence artist today?

the answer is that well idk artists today try to get more ideas from the painting so there is like so many ways!!