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Yes, Ethiopia did, and it can be argued that Liberia did as well. However, as there were different circumstances, we can only truly count Ethiopia.

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Ethiopia was one.

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Q: What two African countries were able to escape imperialism?
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Ethiopia was able to remain independent by defeating European military forces.

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The failure and success of the African Union is what defines it today. One of the successes is being able to bring together African countries in unity. The main failure is lack of proper systems that address human injustices in African countries.

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After gaining independence, the major factor that prevented many African countries from having strong economies is underdevelopment. Most African countries have not been able to stand alone and they still depend on donors from the West.

Why were European countries able to take over African and Asian countries so easily?

i think it is because they had better weapons , army and and better technology

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The negative effects of famine on different African countries are decrease in populating. Also a decrease in economy because malnutrition is caused leading to sickness and not being able to work.

How did counties in Africa gain independence?

European powers were no longer able to afford the recourses to maintain control of their african countries

How were European countries able to impose their will on African countries?

European countries were able to impose their will because they had large standing armies and were relatively well organised. . In the days when Europeans took over and colonised parts of Africa there were very few African countries, let alone countries with an organised structure. The British, French, Spanish, Belgians and Portuguese all had armies and colonial civil services that could literally 'create' colonies from unorganised wilderness.

What are 2 negative effects of imperialism on third world countries?

Loss of individual culture When a country gives up its power on that country, it will not be able to govern itself as well because it was subject to another ruler (example: many ungoverned, corrupt countries in Africa)