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Jamestown was colonized by John Smith.

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Q: Which English settlement did John Smith help colonize?
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Which settlement did John Smith find?

Captain John Smith found the English settlement! -Avi

Which country was responsible for their first settlement that was saved by John Smith?

He saved the first permanent English settlement. ;] !!

What was the settlement of John Smith?

The settlement of John Smith was Jamestown, Virginia.

Who was Captin John smith?

John Smith is the founder of Jamestown, the first English settlement in North America. He founded Jamestown on May 24, 1607.

Who was in Jamestown?

Jamestown was founded by the Virginia Company of London in 1607, when it was known as "James Fort". It was the first English settlement in America to survive.

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John Smith is remembered for his role in establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Virginia.

What was the 1st English settlement?

ANSWER:The first English settlement in America was Jamestown, founded in 1607, by Captain John Smith. The region would eventually be known as the colony of Virginia.

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The leaders of Jamestown, VA's settlement were Captain John Smith and Christopher Newport. Jamestown was the first successful English settlement in the New World.

How old was John Smith when he founded Virginia?

Captain John Smith was an English adventurer who was one of the founders of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement. He was 27 years old when they first landed on Virginia.

What country was responsible for their first settlement that was saved by John Smith?

John Smith saved Jamestown the second English colony. (the first colony went missing without a trace.) John Smith saved Jamestown with valuable tobacco crops.England...