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An AND gate

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Q: Which IC digital gates requires a high on both inputs to output a high?
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How many inputs has the NOT gates?

A standard NOT gate will have just one input. It will change its value to the opposite digital value for the output.

There is a circuit using there nand gates with two inputs and one output find the output?

A "Nand" gate is an "And" gate with an "Inverter" added to its output. To get a logic 1 output from a "Nand" gate, you need a logic 0 on both of its inputs. If I understand your question correctly, you have three "Nand" gates. Presumably the outputs of two of them are connected to the inputs of the third. Logic 1 at both inputs of the first two "Nand" gates will produce a logic 0 output from both of them. The two logic 0's are fed to the inputs of the third "Nand" gate producing a logic 0 output from the third "Nand" gate.

What are the basic building blocks of digital ICs?

Usually NAND gates or NOR gates, as these are the universal gates from which all other gates, flipflops, registers, etc. can be built. - - - - - There are four basic building blocks: gates with more than one input: AND: output high if all inputs high OR: output high if any input high gates with one input: buffers: output high if input high; these are used at the ends of long wiring runs so following gates get clear signals--IOW, they're amplifiers inverters: output low if input high A NAND gate is an AND with an inverter follower, and a NOR is an OR with an inverter follower.

What is the full form of nand?

This is a term from digital electronis referring to a Negated AND or NOT AND gate. A NAND gate is a logic gate that produces an output which is false only if all its inputs are true. Boolean functions are activated by use of NAND gates.

Half-Subtractor circuit using NOR gates?

By using 5 NOR gates, we can implements half-subtractor. The inputs for 1st NOR gate are A and B, for 2nd NOR gate inputs are the output of 1st NOR gate and A input, for 3rd NOR gate inputs are the output of 1st NOR gate and B input, for 4th NOR gate the inputs are gates 2 and 3, and for last gate input is the output of the 4th gate.

Which IC gates will have a low output if either of the inputs are high?

A 2-input NOR (Negative OR) Gate produces a low output when either input (or both) are high.

What does logic mean in computing?

it's a little and basic integrated circuit that makes calculations regarding Boole's logic (true/false) they can make various operations instantly regarding as the type of logic gate based on the 2 inputs, giving the result as output. they can make the OR operand, And, Xor,Not and a combination of them (cheaper) Nor,Nand,XNor it's the base for digital computing.

Circuit diagram of xor gate using minimum number of nand gates?

The XOR gate (sometimes EOR gate, or EXOR gate) is a digital logic gate that implements an exclusive or; that is, a true output (1) results if one, and only one, of the inputs to the gate is true (1). If both inputs are false (0) or both are true (1), a false output (0) results. Its behavior is summarized in the truth table shown on the right. A way to remember XOR is "one or the other but not both". It represents the inequality function, i.e., the output is HIGH (1) if the inputs are not alike otherwise the output is LOW (0).

What does it mean by C is NOT A in basic logic gates?

It means that C is the inverse of A. Implementing the equation C = !A in basic logic gates requires the use of an inverter. An inverter can be made from a dedicated inverter gate, if available, or from a NAND gate with n inputs, where all n inputs are connected to A.

What are digital logic gates?

Any logic gate from which all other logic gate functions can be derived. The two universal gates are NAND and NOR.

What is the meaning of the acronym NAND?

The acronym NAND is the short version of "Not AND". In terms of logic gates, a NAND gate refers to an output that is false only when all of its inputs are true.

Can an AND gate be formed by using two OR gates?

AND gate is A.B If two not gates are added at both inputs of and gate then output becomes A'.B' which is equal to (A+B)' by DeMorgan's law. hence the nor gate is formed Update: Put more simply, invert A and B by attaching A to both inputs of one NOR and attaching B to both inputs of another NOR, then NOR the results of the previous two NOR gates. Total of three NOR gates in a two-level implementation. NAND can obviously be created by inverting the result.