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Q: Which Indian leader fought colonists
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Why did the british military struggle to defeat the frenh?

The French and Indian War was fought to decide if Britain or France would be the strong power in North America. France and its colonists and Indian allies fought against Britain, its colonists and Indian allies. The war began with conflicts about land.

What war were the colonists expected to pay for?

The French and Indian War, fought in part to defend the colonists.

What war helped prepare the colonists for the war of independence?

The French and Indian War, fought from 1754 through 1763.

Who had to fight against the french in the American and Indian war?

The British Colonists and some of the Iroquois tribes fought against the French.

Famous Indian leader?

There are a lot of Indian leaders who fought in many historic battles, but to name a few are Black Elk he fought in the Battle of Little Bighorn, then there was famous for fighting in the War of 1812, and then Red Cloud who fought in the Red Cloud war.

Why were people mad that the British government gave land to the Iroquois after the French and Indian war after the revolutionary war?

The colonists thought they had fought the war to win this land and since the British Government gave the land to the Iroquois the colonists felt they fought the war for nothing.

Who fought with the colonists against the british?

The French fought with the colonists, and the Spanish helped somewhat as well

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The British had treaties with the Native tribes who had fought on their side in the French and Indian War.

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What were the two wars fought in 1614 and 1644 between the English in Jamestown and the nearby Indian leader?

These are the Anglo-Powhatan Wars.

Who was the Indian who fought against British rule using peaceful methods?

Ghandi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.

Who fought aside the French in the French and Indian War?

Great Britain and American colonists vs. French who teamed up with the Native American Indians